

Final Fantasy VIII came after the mega hit Final Fantasy VII, it in itself was a very successful game release for Square. For more on the history of Final Fantasy VIII read here.

Game engine

Details of the Game

For String encoding, you can find the info on the wiki of the ShumiTranslator tool done by HobbitDur which detail the following file (link is kept here to the old wiki for archive purpose):

Media Formats

File formats

Movie Files

Sound Files

Battle files

Field files

World map files


For kernel data, there is a dedicated wiki in the Doomtrain tool done by Maki which detail the kernel.bin

For namedic, you can also find the info on the wiki of the ShumiTranslator tool done by HobbitDur which detail the following file (link is kept here to the old wiki for archive purpose):

For others:

For text menu, there is a dedicated wiki in the ShumiTranslator tool done by HobbitDur which detail the following files (link are kept here to the old wiki for archive purpose):

For shop, you can also find the info on the wiki of the TonberryShop tool done by HobbitDur which detail the following file (link is kept here to the old wiki for archive purpose):

For others files

Tools and Patches