This is a Stub article. A Wiki version of Gears should go here. For more information, select the “discussion” tab above so we can best architecture the data. For those who want to start converting, download the Gears pdf Halkun
- History
- Engine Basics
- Parts of the Engine
- Generic Program Flow
- The Kernel
- Kernel Overview
- History
- Kernel Functionality
- Memory Management
- RAM Management
- VRAM Management
- PSX CD-ROM management
- Kernel.bin
- The KERNEL.BIN Archive
- The KERNEL2.BIN Archive
- Low Level Libraries
- PC to PSX comparison
- Data Archives
- BIN Archive data format
- LZSS Archives
- LGP Archives
- Textures
- File formats for 3D models
- Model Formats for PSX
- Model Formats for PC
- Kernel Overview
- The Menu Module
- Menu Overview
- Menu Initialization
- Menu Modules
- Calling the various menus
- Menu dependencies
- The Save Game format
- The Field Module
- Field Overview
- Field Format (PC)
- General PC Field File Format
- PC Field File Header
- File Section Details
- Field Format (PSX)
- Field scripting module
- The Battle Module
- The World Map Module
- Sound
- Technical Help
- Tools and patches
- Source Code Forensics