
World map random encounter data is stored in the “enc_w.bin” file in the world_xx.lgp archive (on the PC version). Battles are selected based on the region and walkmap type of the current triangle.

NOTE: The enc_w.bin file contains only data for first 16 regions. Any region later than that will receive encounters from region 16.

Additionally Hill Side type battle will use the table for Grass type, and Gold Saucer Desert type will use the table for Desert type.

Random encounter mechanics

For each region the enc_w.bin file contains 4 sets of encounters for different walkmap types. Which four are these will be used is decided using a lookup table (stored at address 0x96dea0 on PC), that maps regions to one of four walkmap types for each of four encounter sets.

Region Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4
Midgar Area Grass Wasteland Beach
Grasslands Area Grass Beach
Junon Area Grass Wasteland Forest Beach
Corel Area Grass Mountain Pass Beach
Gold Saucer Area Grass Wasteland Desert Beach
Gongaga Area Grass Jungle Beach
Cosmo Area Grass Wasteland Canyon Beach
Nibel Area Grass Forest Beach
Rocket Launch Pad Area Grass Forest Beach
Wutai Area Grass Wasteland Wutai Bridge Beach
Woodlands Area Grass Wasteland Jungle Beach
Icicle Area Grass Snow Snowfield (Wasteland) Beach
Mideel Area Grass Wasteland Jungle Beach
North Corel Area Grass Desert Riverside
Cactus Island Grass Desert
Goblin Island* Grass Forest

Region to walkmap type look-up table

*Note: The types marked as are stored as 00 (Grass) in the table, the reason they're unused is because Grass is always Type 1 and so if the player is on Grass the other types will not be considered*

After deciding whether a random battle should occur the game first performs the Mystery Ninja check. For each of 16 regions it consults a lookup table (0x96dee0 on PC) for a chance (out of 256) if a Yuffie fight should start.

Region Chance
Junon Area 12.5% (32/256)
Gongaga Area 25% (64/256)
Nibel Area 25% (64/256)
Rocket Launch Pad Area 99.6% (255/256)
Woodlands Area 50% (128/256)
Mideel Area 50% (128/256)
Goblin Island* 50% (128/256)

Yuffie encounter chances per region

* this also includes all following regions (Round Island being the only one where encounters are possible)

If that check succeeds the game checks whether player is either on Forest or Jungle type triangle and if Yuffie is available for fightning (based on bit 1 from variable 0x0D29 from the Savemap Memory Bank 3. If this succeeds too game determines which battle scene to use based on Cloud’s level, using the 1st table stored in enc_w.bin.

Next are checks for Chocobo fights. If the current triangle.

Finally the game does separate checks for special battles (back, side and pincer attacks) and if they fail it will pick one from the 6 normal random battles.

For more in-depth information consult Terence Fergusson’s excellent Enemy Mechanics FAQ document (section 3.1 has a detailed write-up on all the above).

enc_w.bin file format


The enc_w.bin file is divided into three sections:

Offset Size Description
0x00 32 bytes Yuffie encounter mapping
0x20 128 bytes Chocobo encounter ratings
0xA0 2048 bytes Random encounter table

The format of each of these sections is as follows:

Yuffie encounter mapping

Contains 8 records, each 4 bytes long, that maps Cloud’s current level to battle’s Scene ID that will be started.

Offset Size Description
0x00 2 bytes Cloud’s Level
0x02 2 bytes Scene ID

Chocobo rating mapping

32 records, each 4 bytes long, mapping the scene ID to the rating of the chocobo if caught.

Offset Size Description
0x00 2 bytes Chocobo battle scene ID
0x02 2 bytes Chocobo rating (1 = wonderful, …, 8 = terrible)

Random encounter table

This section is 2048 bytes long and contains 16 sections for each region (as mentioned before regions 17 and later will receive encounters from region 16).

Each section contains 4 sets of 32-byte blocks for each walkmap type (see above on how walkmap types are decided) that are as follows:

Offset Size Description
0x00 1 byte Encounters active? (0 = no, 1 = yes)
0x01 1 byte Encounter rate
0x02 12 bytes Normal encounters
0x0E 4 bytes Back attack encounters
0x12 2 bytes Side attack encounters
0x14 2 bytes Both sides encounters
0x16 8 bytes Chocobo encounters
0x1E 2 bytes Padding (Always 00’s)

Each encounter record is 2 bytes long, with the first byte being the encounter ID and the second byte being the encounter rate (only the first six bits are used).