Code Map
Introduces functions, variables and data related to sound, contained in SCUS_941.63 (game program of US version). Note that all symbol names below are for convenience only.
PSX Address |
Declaration |
Description |
0x800293D0 |
void _AkaoSpuTransferCallback(void) |
0x800293F4 |
void _AkaoSpuSetTransferCallback(void) |
0x80029424 |
unsigned int _AkaoTransferSamples(const unsigned char *addr, unsigned int size) |
0x800294A4 |
void _AkaoWaitForSpuTransfer(void) |
0x800294BC |
void _AkaoReset(void) |
0x800297A4 |
void AkaoLoadInstrumentSet(const sturct AkaoSampleSet *sampleSet, const struct AkaoInstrumentAttr *instrumentSet) |
Load standard instrument set sampleSet: corresponding to SOUND/INSTR.ALL instrumentSet: corresponding to SOUND/INSTR.DAT This function is called transparently from 0x8002988C. |
0x80029818 |
void AkaoLoadInstrumentSet2(const sturct AkaoSampleSet *sampleSet, const struct AkaoInstrumentAttr *instrumentSet) |
Load additional instrument set sampleSet: corresponding to SOUND/INSTR2.ALL instrumentSet: corresponding to SOUND/INSTR2.DAT |
0x8002988C |
void AkaoInitialize(const sturct AkaoSampleSet *sampleSet, const struct AkaoInstrumentAttr *instrumentSet) |
Initialize sound driver and load initial instruments sampleSet: corresponding to SOUND/INSTR.ALL instrumentSet: corresponding to SOUND/INSTR.DAT |
0x800299C8 |
void AkaoDeinitialize(void) |
Deinitialize sound driver |
0x80029AF0 |
void AkaoSetReverbMode(int mode) |
0x80029B78 |
void _AkaoTransferSeqBody(const unsigned char *data, int size) |
0x80029C48 |
void _AkaoLoadTracks(void) |
0x8002DA30 |
void AkaoNewMessage(struct AkaoMessage **ppMessage) |
0x8002DA7C |
int AkaoPostMessage(void) |
Post a new command message to the queue (with some wrapped processing) The message data comes from a global variable at 0x8009A000. Return value depends on the content of the message data. Opcode 0x10 Load and start playing new AKAO sequence Returns: 0 for success, 1 for already loaded, and -1 for invalid signature Opcode 0x92 Set value to the condition variable used by Opcode 0xEF. |
0x8002E1A8 |
void _AkaoDispatchMessages(void) |
0x8002E23C |
void _AkaoWriteSpuRegisters(int voiceNum, struct AkaoSpuVoiceAttr *attr) |
0x8002E478 |
void _AkaoDspOnTick(struct AkaoPlayerTrack *track, struct AkaoPlayer *player, int voiceMask) |
0x8002ED34 |
void _AkaoCalculateVolumeAndPitch(struct AkaoPlayerTrack *track, int voiceMask, int voiceNum) |
0x8002F24C |
void _AkaoCalculateVolumeAndPitch2(struct AkaoPlayerTrack *track, int voiceMask) |
0x8002F738 |
void _AkaoDspOverlayVoice(struct AkaoPlayerTrack *track, int unknownVoiceMask, int voiceNum) |
0x8002F848 |
void _AkaoDspMain(void) |
0x8002FF4C |
void _AkaoSpuNoiseVoice(void) |
0x80030038 |
void _AkaoSpuReverbVoice(void) |
0x80030148 |
void _AkaoSpuPitchLFOVoice(void) |
0x80030234 |
int _AkaoTimerCallback(void) |
Sound callback event that is periodically triggered by root counter 2 |
0x800308D4 |
void _AkaoMain(void) |
0x80030E7C |
void _AkaoDispatchVoice(struct AkaoPlayerTrack *track, struct AkaoPlayer *player, int voiceMask) |
Dispatch voice opcodes until the next note or end of track |
0x80031820 |
void AkaoSetInstrument(struct AkaoPlayerTrack *track, unsigned short progNumber) |
0x800318BC |
int _AkaoReadNextNote(struct AkaoPlayerTrack *track) |
0x80031A70 |
int _AkaoFindNextEndPoint(struct AkaoPlayerTrack *track) |
0x80049548 |
void (* const MESSAGE_HANDLERS[256])(struct AkaoMessage *) |
0x80049948 |
const unsigned char VOICE_OPCODE_LENGTHS[0x60] |
Length table for voice opcodes 0xa0-0xff 0 for end of track and branches |
0x80049AA8 |
void (* const VOICE_OPCODES[0x60])(struct AkaoPlayerTrack *, struct AkaoPlayer *, int) |
Address table for voice opcodes 0xa0-0xff |
0x80049C28 |
const unsigned short DELTA_TIME_TABLE[11]; |
0x80049C44 |
const unsigned short VOLUME_TABLE_L[128] |
See Opcode 0xAA for volume balance calculation |
0x80049E44 |
const unsigned short VOLUME_TABLE_R[128] |
See Opcode 0xAA for volume balance calculation |
0x8004A5CC |
const short *LFO_FORMS[16] |
0x8004A60C |
const unsigned char EMPTY_ADPCM[32] |
0x80063010 |
int g_AkaoNumQueuedMessages |
0x80081DC8 |
AkaoMessage g_AkaoMessageQueue[] |
0x80083580 |
unsigned char g_AkaoSeqData[] |
RAM area to load AKAO sequence data |
0x8009A000 |
AkaoMessage g_AkaoMessage |
Message data to be posted. Processed by the function 0x8002DA7C |
Runtime Library Functions
PSX Address | Declaration | Description |
0x80036298 | void SpuInit(void) | |
0x80036FFC | long SpuInitMalloc(long num, char *top) | |
0x800373AC | long SpuMallocWithStartAddr(unsigned long addr, long size) | |
0x80037964 | unsigned long SpuSetNoiseVoice(long on_off, unsigned long voice_bit) | |
0x80037B90 | long SpuSetNoiseClock(long n_clock) | |
0x80037BE0 | unsigned long SpuRead(unsigned char *addr, unsigned long size) | |
0x80037C40 | long SpuSetReverb(long on_off) | |
0x80037D90 | long SpuGetReverb(void) | |
0x80037E1C | long SpuSetReverbModeParam(SpuReverbAttr *attr) | |
0x800387FC | void SpuGetReverbModeParam (SpuReverbAttr *attr) | |
0x8003884C | long SpuSetReverbDepth(SpuReverbAttr *attr) | |
0x800388C4 | unsigned long SpuSetReverbVoice(long on_off, unsigned long voice_bit) | |
0x800388E8 | long SpuClearReverbWorkArea(long mode) | |
0x80038A84 | long SpuSetIRQ(long on_off) | |
0x80038BC4 | unsigned long SpuSetIRQAddr(unsigned long addr) | |
0x80038C04 | SpuIRQCallbackProc SpuSetIRQCallback(SpuIRQCallbackProc func) | |
0x80038C6C | void SpuSetKey(long on_off, unsigned long voice_bit) | |
0x80038F04 | unsigned long SpuWrite(unsigned char *addr, unsigned long size) | |
0x80038F64 | unsigned long SpuSetTransferStartAddr(unsigned long addr) | |
0x80038FB8 | long SpuSetTransferMode(long mode) | |
0x80038FEC | SpuTransferCallbackProc SpuSetTransferCallback(SpuTransferCallbackProc func) | |
0x80039010 | unsigned long SpuSetPitchLFOVoice(long on_off, unsigned long voice_bit) | |
0x80039034 | void SpuSetCommonAttr(SpuCommonAttr *attr) | |
0x800393C8 | void SpuSetVoiceVolume(int voiceNum, short volL, short volR) | |
0x80039450 | void SpuSetVoiceVolumeAttr(int voiceNum, short volL, short volR, short volModeL, short volModeR) | |
0x800395C8 | void SpuSetVoicePitch(int voiceNum, unsigned short pitch) | |
0x80039644 | void SpuSetVoiceStartAddr(int voiceNum, unsigned long startAddr) | |
0x800396C0 | void SpuSetVoiceLoopStartAddr(int voiceNum, unsigned long lsa) | |
0x8003973C | void SpuSetVoiceDR(int voiceNum, unsigned short DR) | |
0x800397C8 | void SpuSetVoiceSL(int voiceNum, unsigned short SL) | |
0x80039850 | void SpuSetVoiceARAttr(int voiceNum, unsigned short AR, long ARmode) | |
0x800398EC | void SpuSetVoiceSRAttr(int voiceNum, unsigned short SR, long SRmode) | |
0x800399D0 | void SpuSetVoiceRRAttr(int voiceNum, unsigned short RR, long RRmode) |
PSX Address | Declaration | Description |
0x8003D0C0 | int ResetCallback(void) | |
0x8003D150 | int VSyncCallback(void (*func)(void)) | |
0x8003D1B4 | int StopCallback(void) | |
0x8003D214 | int CheckCallback(void) |
PSX Address | Declaration | Description |
0x800429F0 | void DeliverEvent(unsigned long ev1, unsigned long ev2) | |
0x80042A00 | long OpenEvent(unsigned long desc, long spec, long mode, long (*func)()) | |
0x80042A10 | long CloseEvent(long event) | |
0x80042A20 | long WaitEvent(long event) | |
0x80042A40 | long EnableEvent(long event) | |
0x80042A50 | long DisableEvent(long event) | |
0x80042BC0 | long SetRCnt(unsigned long spec, unsigned short target, long mode) | |
0x80042C60 | long GetRCnt(unsigned long spec) | |
0x80042C98 | long StartRCnt(unsigned long spec) | |
0x80042CCC | long StopRCnt(unsigned long spec) |
struct AkaoSeqHeader, struct AkaoDrumKeyAttr
struct AkaoMessage // 36 bytes long
uint16_t opcode;
uint16_t reserved;
uint32_t data[8];
struct AkaoSpuVoiceAttr
uint32_t voice; // 0x00: voice number
uint32_t update_flags; // 0x04: bitset that indicates what SPU registers need to be updated
uint32_t addr; // 0x08: waveform data start address (SPU address)
uint32_t loop_addr; // 0x0c: loop start address (SPU address)
uint32_t a_mode; // 0x10: ADSR: attack mode
uint32_t s_mode; // 0x14: ADSR: sustain mode
uint32_t r_mode // 0x18: ADSR: release mode
uint16_t pitch; // 0x1c: pitch
uint16_t ar; // 0x1e: ADSR: attack rate
uint16_t dr; // 0x20: ADSR: decay rate
uint16_t sl; // 0x22: ADSR: sustain level
uint16_t sr; // 0x24: ADSR: sustain rate
uint16_t rr; // 0x26: ADSR: release rate
SpuVolume volume; // 0x28: volume (left and right)
struct AkaoPlayer // the music player instance exists at 0x8009A104
uint32_t stereo_mode; // 0x00: stereo mode (1: stereo, 4: surround, otherwise: mono)
uint32_t active_voices; // 0x04: bitset that indicates the voices currently in use
uint32_t key_on_voices; // 0x08: bitset that indicates the voices to key on
uint32_t keyed_voices; // 0x0c: bitset that indicates the voices currently keyed on
uint32_t key_off_voices; // 0x10: bitset that indicates the voices to key off
uint32_t saved_active_voices; // 0x14: unknown voice bitset
uint32_t tempo; // 0x18: tempo (Q16 fixed-point number)
int32_t tempo_slope; // 0x1c: slope of tempo slider (Q16 fixed-point number)
uint32_t time_counter; // 0x20: time counter (0x10000 = 1 tick)
uint32_t overlay_voices; // 0x24: bitset that indicates the sub-voices used for overlay (opcode 0xF4)
uint32_t alternate_voices; // 0x28: bitset that indicates the sub-voices used for alternate voice (opcode 0xF8)
uint32_t noise_voices; // 0x2c: bitset that indicates the voices with noise mode enabled
uint32_t reverb_voices; // 0x30: bitset that indicates the voices with reverb enabled
uint32_t pitch_lfo_voices; // 0x34: bitset that indicates the voices with pitch LFO (frequency modulation) mode enabled
uint32_t spucnt; // 0x38: SPUCNT shadow
uint32_t reverb_type; // 0x3c: reverb type
uint32_t reverb_depth; // 0x40: reverb depth (Q16 fixed-point number)
int32_t reverb_depth_slope; // 0x44: slope of reverb depth slider (Q16 fixed-point number)
uint16_t tempo_slide_length; // 0x48: tempo slide length
uint16_t song_id; // 0x4a: current song id
uint16_t condition_ack; // 0x4c: the last matched condition value (opcode 0xEF)
uint16_t condition; // 0x4e: condition variable for dynamic branching according to game status (opcode 0xEF)
uint16_t reverb_depth_slide_length; // 0x50: length of reverb depth slide
uint16_t noise_clock; // 0x52: noise clock frequency
uint16_t field_54; // 0x54: unknown (can be altered by opcode 0xF3)
uint16_t beats_per_measure; // 0x56: beats per measure
uint16_t beat; // 0x58: current beat
uint16_t ticks_per_beat; // 0x5a: ticks per beat
uint16_t tick; // 0x5c: current ticks per beat
uint16_t measure; // 0x5e: current measure
struct AkaoPlayerTrack // the music player track instances exist at 0x80096608 + (N * 0x108)
uint8_t *addr; // 0x00
uint8_t *loop_addrs[4]; // 0x04
AkaoDrumKeyAttr *drum_addr; // 0x14
int16_t *vibrato_lfo_addr; // 0x18
int16_t *tremolo_lfo_addr; // 0x1c
int16_t *pan_lfo_addr; // 0x20
uint32_t overlay_voice_num; // 0x24
uint32_t alternate_voice_num; // 0x28
uint32_t master_volume; // 0x2c
uint32_t pitch_of_note; // 0x30
int32_t pitch_bend_slide_amplitude; // 0x34
uint16_t voice_effect_flags; // 0x38
uint16_t field_3A; // 0x3a
uint16_t field_3C; // 0x3c
uint16_t field_3E; // 0x3e
uint32_t field_40; // 0x40
uint32_t volume; // 0x44
int32_t volume_slope; // 0x48
int32_t pitch_bend_slope; // 0x4c
uint16_t field_50; // 0x50
uint16_t field_52; // 0x52
uint16_t field_54; // 0x54
uint8_t delta_time_counter; // 0x56
uint8_t gate_time_counter; // 0x57
uint16_t instrument; // 0x58
uint16_t field_5A; // 0x5a
uint16_t volume_slide_length_counter; // 0x5c
uint16_t overlay_balance_slide_length_counter; // 0x5e
uint16_t pan; // 0x60
uint16_t pan_slide_length; // 0x62
int16_t pitch_slide_length_counter; // 0x64
uint16_t octave; // 0x66
uint16_t pitch_slide_length; // 0x68
uint16_t previous_note_number; // 0x6a
uint16_t portamento_speed; // 0x6c
uint16_t legato_flags; // 0x6e
uint16_t field_70; // 0x70
uint16_t vibrato_delay; // 0x72
uint16_t vibrato_delay_counter; // 0x74
uint16_t vibrato_rate; // 0x76
uint16_t vibrato_rate_counter; // 0x78
uint16_t vibrato_form; // 0x7a
uint16_t vibrato_max_amplitude; // 0x7c
uint16_t vibrato_depth; // 0x7e
uint16_t vibrato_depth_slide_length_counter; // 0x80
int16_t vibrato_depth_slope; // 0x82
uint16_t field_84; // 0x84
uint16_t tremolo_delay; // 0x86
uint16_t tremolo_delay_counter; // 0x88
uint16_t tremolo_rate; // 0x8a
uint16_t tremolo_rate_counter; // 0x8c
uint16_t tremolo_form; // 0x8e
uint16_t tremolo_depth; // 0x90
uint16_t tremolo_depth_slide_length_counter; // 0x92
int16_t tremolo_depth_slope; // 0x94
uint16_t field_96; // 0x96
uint16_t pan_lfo_rate; // 0x98
uint16_t pan_lfo_rate_counter; // 0x9a
uint16_t pan_lfo_form; // 0x9c
uint16_t pan_lfo_depth; // 0x9e
uint16_t pan_lfo_depth_slide_length_counter; // 0xa0
int16_t pan_lfo_slope; // 0xa2
uint16_t noise_on_off_delay_counter; // 0xa4
uint16_t pitchmod_on_off_delay_counter; // 0xa6
uint8_t field_A8[16]; // 0xa8
uint16_t loop_layer; // 0xb8
uint16_t loop_counts[4]; // 0xba
uint16_t previous_delta_time; // 0xc2
uint16_t forced_delta_time; // 0xc4
uint16_t overlay_balance; // 0xc6
int16_t overlay_balance_slope; // 0xc8
int16_t pan_slope; // 0xca
int16_t transpose; // 0xcc
int16_t tuning; // 0xce
uint16_t note; // 0xd0
int16_t pitch_slide_amount; // 0xd2
int16_t previous_transpose; // 0xd4
int16_t vibrato_lfo_amplitude; // 0xd6
int16_t tremolo_lfo_amplitude; // 0xd8
int16_t pan_lfo_amplitude; // 0xda
AkaoSpuVoiceAttr spu_attr; // 0xdc