Contain system files and system-images.


00 : ????????

01 : DB structured, data types [0x06, 0x0D, 0x04(Font images, labels, hand-image and other)].

02 : GameOver TIM

03 : ????????

04 : TIM

05 : ????????

06 : Characters face`s:

        Contains 13 character faces. Each face - it`s image 32x46 pixels.
        Structure for each face are:
        > 0x100 bytes for 16bit pallate (256 colors)
        > 32*46 = 0x5C0 bytes (8 bit indexed mode)

07-10: “Change disk” images, not TIM:

        Each image splitted to two parts. 
        Sizes of each parts are 160x224 pixels, and used 16bit color mode.
        Each part size in bytes are 160 * 224 * 2 = 0x11800 byte

11 : ????????

12 : Titel Screen Tim images, not ‘DB’ structure

        > 4 bytes for image count
        > pointers from current position, each 4 bytes.

13 : ????????

14 : 4bit colors indexed image with pallate, not tim.

        > pallates(~20 count or less) starts from 0x08
        > image starts from 0x280 byte, and has 256 pixels width

15 : ???????? format, but contains image similar from ‘14’ file, but without pallate. Other data not recognized.

16 : ????????

17 : ???????? structure similar ‘16’ file

18 : ????????

19 : empty file

20 : Tetra Master Graphics (TIMS)

        > Sector Structure:
        > 4 bytes start sector (each sector 0x800 bytes)
        > 4 bytes size in sectors

21 : contain characters faces, DB structured file. [0x00 type]

        > DB structure where are useless, becouse from 0x18 file are similiar to '06' file.

22 : contain music, DB structured [0x09 type], AKAO.

23 : sounds, music, etc, DB structured [0x07, 0x08, 0x09 types], AKAO

24 : world map basic tiles, other graphics, AKAO, TIM`s, DB structured [0x08, 0x00, 0x07, 0x09, 0x04 types].

25 : some of AKAO, DB structured [0x07, 0x09 types].

26 : DB Structured [0x04 type], 1 TIM image : “Published by Square Electronic Arts”.

27 : System graphics, and other, DB structured [0x0D, 0x08, 0x09, 0x04 types].

28 : DB Structured [0x08, 0x00, 0x07, 0x09, 0x04 types].

29 : DB Structured [0x04 type], 2 TIM-images: WorldMap mini-images of biggest island.

30 : DB Structured [0x04 type], 2 TIM-images: WorldMap mini-images.

31 : DB Structured [0x04 type], 4 TIM-images: big images with characters.

32 : DB Structured [0x04 type], 4 TIM-images: big images with characters.

33 : DB Structured [0x07, 0x09, 0x04 types], 7 TIM-images.

34 : DB Structured [0x14 type].