Memory layout

| 0x38 | B1 / B2 | 0 / B3 | H | M | S | |——|———–|———-|—–|—–|—–|



Sets the clock, as found in the WSPCL opcode.

If the hours, minutes or seconds are specified in the argument, the corresponding B nybble is zero. Otherwise, the value for the time component is retrieved from the bank and address specified. The seperate time components can be retrieved from memory or specified as a value, in the same argument list, as demonstrated below.

Hours are not directly visible on the clock, as it only displays minutes and seconds. Hours are translated into minutes, so if you specify one hour, the clock displays 60 minutes, and so on.


The following example sets the clock to 67:34 using literal values for hours, and retrieved values for minutes and seconds.

SETBYTE(50,12,7)             // Bank 5, Address 0x12: 7 minutes
SETBYTE(50,14,22)            // Bank 5, Address 0x14: 34 seconds
STTIM(5,5,1,12,14)           // One hour, retrieved vals for minutes/seconds
WINDOW(0,20,20,75,75)        // Set up a window
WSPCL(0,1,5,5)               // Set the window to a timer type
WMODE(0,2,1)                 // Transparent, non-closable window
MESSAGE(0,1)                 // Display the window & timer