KERNEL.BIN - Section 1: Command data format

This section contains the data for Menu commands.
There are 32 entries of 8 bytes in the following format:

Offset Length Description  
0x00 1 byte Initial Cursor Action*  
0x01 1 byte Target Flags  
0x02 2 bytes Unknown (Always [FFFFh])  
0x04 2 bytes Camera Movement Id for single target.  
0x06 2 bytes Camera Movement Id for multiple targets.  

*Initial Cursor Action: The different values will tell it what to do or what menu to bring up:

Value Effect
00h Perform command using target data
01h Magic Menu
02h Summon Menu
03h Item Menu
04h E.Skill Menu
05h Throw Menu
06h Limit Menu
07h Enable Target Selection via Cursor
08h W-Magic Menu
09h W-Summon Menu
0Ah W-Item Menu
0Bh Coin Menu

The commands themselves are hard-coded into the Battle Engine and their actions cannot be changed via editing the KERNEL.BIN
Example of what this means: If the summon command was changed to bring up the magic menu and Cure was selected, the battle engine would perform Choco/Mog summon instead. Why? Because The Battle Engine is expecting summon data from command 03h. While the target was considered based on the targeting information of Cure, which has the same magic index as Choco/Mog has summon index, the attack the Battle Engine selected to perform was Summon attack 00h which is Choco/Mog.